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'Dear Friends' April 2012

Weeks of April 1 and 8, 2012
Prayer Requests

Dear Friends:

       Our prayers are with you and your care-receiver this Holy Week, this Easter, and always.

                                                          Monica and Bill

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Week of April 16, 2012
Prayer Requests

'Jesus, I Trust in You'

Dear Friends:

       One of the ways some parishes marked Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter) was to place a large image of Jesus -- "Divine Mercy" -- in the sanctuary. At the foot of the image is the prayer "Jesus, I Trust in You." Maybe a caregiver can't help but notice it doesn't say "Jesus, I understand You" or "Jesus, I always like the Father's will for me and for my loved one."
       As you well know, we aren't going to always understand or like what our lives on earth include. It's by trusting in Jesus, by accepting "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven," that we open ourselves up to the graces that can help us get through those times of not understanding, of not liking.
       And, certainly, the same is true for care-receivers.
       A verse from yesterday's responsorial psalm offers an encouraging note: "I was hard pressed and I was falling, but the Lord helped me."

- - -

       This week we're so pleased to welcome Alida D. of Michigan, Robert B. of Australia, and Kristine B. of New Jersey as the newest members of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. Please keep them and their intentions in your prayers. They have have promised to pray for you and yours.
       And we
cordially invite you to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include YourAgingParent.com and CatholicCaregivers.com.) You can find out more about becoming a member here.
       No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).
       You can:

        sign up on-line here
        or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)
        or print and mail an application form.

       God bless you!

                                                          Monica and Bill

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Week of April 23, 2012
Prayer Requests

The Stages of Caregiving

Dear Friends:

       "The Stages of Caregiving" is one of dozens of Topics available here on YourAgingParent.com. This is how it begins:

       It can help to recognize there is no tidy, single, all-encompassing definition for “caregiver.” Rather, it’s a job that includes multiple responsibilities which vary not only from family to family, and not only within one family, but within the particular relationship you share with your spouse, aging parent or other loved one.
     The caregiver you are today may not be the caregiver you were six months ago because the care your family member needs – the care you need to provide – has changed. In the same way, the caregiver you are now may not be the caregiver you will be in six months. If your loved one’s health improves, you may be less involved. If it worsens, you may be more involved.
     Further complicating this, once you and your family member have experienced a particular facet of the relationship and then moved to another, it doesn’t mean you will not return to that first one for a time. . . .

       You can find the complete topic here. And it's available in a flier format on CatholicCaregivers.com here. The flier is designed to be used as a parish bulletin insert. (It's available in both a Word document or PDF format.) You can find a list of flier topics here.

- - -

       Again this week we cordially invite you to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include YourAgingParent.com and CatholicCaregivers.com.) You can find out more about becoming a member here.
       No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).
       You can:

        sign up on-line here
        or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)
        or print and mail an application form.

       God bless you!

                                                          Monica and Bill

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Week of April 30, 2012
Prayer Requests

St. Joseph the Care-receiver

Dear Friends:

       The feast of St. Joseph the Worker (tomorrow, May 1) has the two of us remembering that Joseph is the patron saint of a "happy death" because, tradition holds, Mary and Jesus were at his side when he died. Stretching that tradition a bit (or adding to it), it seems safe to speculate he could also be known as St. Joseph the Caregiver if, before his death, his spouse and foster son helped take care of him in his final months, weeks, or days. That's certainly a possibility.
       And, as you know, Scripture says that after Jesus' death, it was Mary who needed care (John 19:25-26).
       Every family, even the Holy Family, is touched by caregiving and care-receiving. Every family, even the Holy Family, relies in a special way on the grace of God during that time.
       May his grace be with you this week, and always.

- - -

        This week we're so pleased to welcome Karen G. of North Carolina as the newest member of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. Please keep her and her intentions in your prayers. She has promised to pray for you and yours.
       And we
cordially invite you  to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include YourAgingParent.com and CatholicCaregivers.com.) You can find out more about becoming a member here.
       No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).
       You can:

        sign up on-line here
        or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)
        or print and mail an application form.

       God bless you!

                                                          Monica and Bill

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YourAgingParent.com is a program of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.