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Dear Friends


Stop and Smell the Lilacs

Week of April 28, 2014
Prayer Requests

Dear Friends,

Monica liked to gently remind caregivers that they didn't need to make an appointment, phone or send an e-mail to get in contact with God. (She didn't include "text" but she never was a texter.)

Her advice, which she herself followed, was to be aware of the presence of God right here, right now.

I think of that as the lilac bushes in our back yard start to bloom. Each spring they reminded her, and me, of May, the month dedicated to Mary. (Or, as Monica often referred to her, "Mama Mary.")

It always pleased her--Monica-- that she had been chosen both as an eighth-grader and as a senior in high school to crown the statue of Mary at her school's May crowing. I'm sure it pleased her--"Mama Mary"--that Monica was the one doing that.

I'm equally sure God is with you, right here, right now, in the middle of your caregiving. And what you're doing, all too often under very difficult circumstances, to help his beloved son or daughter greatly pleases him.

You remain in my prayers.

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This week we're so pleased to welcome Bridget L. of California, Susan L. in Georgia, Betty G. in Wisconsin, and Michael M. in Pennsylvania as the newest members of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. Please keep them and their intentions in your prayers. They have promised to pray for you and yours.

Again we cordially invite you to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include and You can find out more about becoming a member here.

No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).

You can:

sign up on-line here

or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)

or print and mail an application form.

God bless you!


Past 'Dear Friends" Letters