Week of March 16, 2015
Prayer Requests
Dear Friends,
I recently received two separate requests for everything we had from a care-receiver's point of view. (One was from a care-receiver who wanted her family members to better understand what she was going through.)
I knew we had Topics, Fliers and videos on that but I had never thought of them as some kind of a bundle. I had to go through the list and start picking them out. Here's what I came up:
--When Your Care-receiver Doesn’t Want Help
--Your Care-receiver’s Spiritual Health
--Your Parent’s Generation
--Challenges of Communication
--When the Professionals and Care-receiver Disagree/Always a Parent:
Worries about Adult Children
--Depression and Suicide
--Tips for Caregiver and Care-receiver
--Helping Your Loved One Find Forgiveness and Peace
--The Need to Have Fun
--Understanding Aging
Parent's—Your Care-receiver’s—Grief
--Dealing with Care-receiver and Caregiver Anger
--‘I Don’t Want to be a Burden’
--Independence, Control and Self-determination
--Helping Your Loved One Deal with Losses
--Keeping Secrets, Telling Lies
--Helping Your Parent Give Up the Car Keys
--Respectful Caregiving as the Parent-Child Roles Reverse
--DVD: Catholic Caregiving, Volume 2: Caregiving from a
Care-receiver’s Point of View (Independence/Interdependence; Dealing
with Losses, “I Don’t Want to be a Burden”); Guidelines for Making
Decisions; Stages of Caregiving; Principles of Catholic Caregiving
The same videos are online at:
YouTube Channel
You can find a list of all the Topics/Fliers here.
And the order form is here.
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This week we're so pleased to welcome Mary G. of Virginia, Roger M. of Kansas, and Josefina B. of the Philippines as the newest members of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. Please keep them and their intentions in your prayers. They have promised to pray for you and yours.
Again this week we cordially invite you to join the Friends of St. John the Caregiver! (FSJC's programs include YourAgingParent.com and CatholicCaregivers.com.) You can find out more about becoming a member here.
No meetings, no dues. All we ask is that you pray for caregivers and those receiving care. Our members include caregivers, care-receivers, and those who support both (including quite a few former caregivers).
You can:
sign up on-line here
or call us toll-free at 1-800-392-JOHN (5646)
print and mail an application form.
God bless you!