Nesting is a common phenomenon of aging. It refers to
burrowing in at home. The world shrinks to that one favorite
chair in front of the television. Within reach are the TV
remote, piles of old newspapers and magazines, snack food, and a
coffee cup (and maybe a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of
alcohol). Nesting is a sure sign that your loved one has become
too isolated.
We're social animals. We need to be around others. A
care-receiver who has become a hermit is in danger of developing
a host of problems. Again, the maxim "Use it or lose it" is a
helpful guide. A person who is mentally stimulated and
challenged can think more clearly. A person who gets some
physical exercise, who is out and about, feels better and sleeps
more soundly at night. A person who is concerned about others,
who feels he or she is making a contribution, is less
self-absorbed. A person with basic social skills is going to pay
attention to appearance and manners.
Of course, sometimes there are very good reasons for sticking
close to home. We all have our downtimes. It could be that your
care-receiver has been sick. Maybe your loved one is recovering
from surgery. But for some, it's not hard for that recuperative
period to lead to an unhealthy isolation. You realize that your
loved one used to belong to a parish guild or an altar society
but now only attends Sunday Mass. She no longer takes the bus
downtown for that once-a-month luncheon with friends. She only
goes out to buy groceries, and she doesn't even want to do that.
Why does this happen? It might be that his closest friends
have died and it's not easy to make new ones. Maybe he's
concerned that mentally he's not as quick as he used to be. He
forgets names. He gets confused when he's out of the house.
Maybe she's hiding the fact that she's having trouble walking.
Or that she is getting dizzy sometimes, or having trouble
controlling her bladder. Pride may be influencing the decision:
"What will people think? I look terrible." Maybe your loved one
is simply afraid. The news is filled with stories of violent
crimes, and he or she can feel vulnerable.
What can you do to help?
--Bring up the subject of isolation. Ask your loved one why
he or she doesn't want to go out. Maybe there's a very simple
explanation and solution.
--Find out what community programs and activities are
available. Visit a local senior center with your father. Better
still, make a visit with your care-receiver and take along a
friend of his. Go on a tour. Have lunch there. Meet some of the
other participants. Check the schedule and see what would be fun
for him and his friend to do. Your local Senior Information and
Assistance can help you find the nearest senior center.
--Facilitate activities. Offer to drive your mother to an
afternoon recital or a movie matinee and then pick her up. Find
out about bus schedules, cab rates, and senior van pools.
Encourage your father to volunteer. Be on hand -- as co-host and
caterer -- so Mom or Dad can have company over for lunch or
coffee and cake.
--Find out what's happening at the parish. Help your loved
one become more active there. Most likely a fellow parishioner
is going to the prayer service, presentation, party, or meal and
would be happy to act as chauffeur.
Don't expect things to turn around overnight. Correcting the
problem of isolation, like becoming isolated, is a gradual