"Long-distance caregiver" is a term used to describe an
increasing number of adult children who live in one part of the
country but are trying to monitor an aging parent's health and
well-being in another. Most sons and daughters who do this
experience worry, frustration and guilt. How do you know if Mom
is eating right? Why didn't she tell you she was going in for
that test? Why did you take this job so far away? How many
voice-mail messages do you have to leave before her doctor calls
you back? What's going on there? The urge is to hop on a plane
and go find out. The reality in most cases is commitments to
spouse, children and a job, not to mention the expense of
airfares, make that impossible.
Here is a list of special things to consider for
"long-distance" caregivers:
Contact information. Make sure your name, address and phone
number are posted by your parent's phone with a note asking that
you be contacted if there is a problem. Be certain your parent's
doctor has the same information. The same holds true for any
home-care services people (visiting nurse, housekeeper, physical
therapist and so on) who may be working with your mother or
Neighbors and friends. Give your name, address and phone
number to the neighbor or the friend who is already in regular
contact with your parent and get his or her number. Ask if you
can give him or her a call if for some reason you can't reach
your parent. Maybe you can arrange to check in with this person
once in a while just to see how Mom is doing.
Plan in advance. If your parent is going to be released from
a hospital or nursing home, ask to speak to the discharge
planner, as soon as possible. This is the staff member who
figures out what services your parent will need and how
frequently he or she needs them. Don't wait until the day your
parent is going home. Sometimes there's not much notice on
"discharge day." So do some planning in advance.
Contact local resources. If you're looking for health or
social services in your parents' area, call the telephone
directory for their area code and ask for "Senior Information
and Assistance" or call the toll-free Eldercare Locator number:
1-800-677-1116. Most areas have case management services.
Through a state-subsidized or private program, a case manager
can coordinate the team of health and home-care professionals
who will be working with your parent.
When you talk to your parent on the phone
Pay attention. Is there something new going on? For example,
is she talking about friends dying? Is she suddenly concerned
about a particular ache or pain? Don't discount comments because
you've "heard it all before." Listen to the message between the
lines. Is she afraid of being alone? Is she worried that she may
be have a new medical problem?
Talk to both parents. If both parents are still living, spend
time talking to each alone. Ask Mom how she's doing and ask her
how Dad is doing. Ask Dad the same.
Call frequently and regularly. Agree on a time that's good
for both of you. "I'll call you on Monday evening." "I'll call
Thursday morning." But be careful. Mark it on your calendar so
you don't forget. A week probably passes very quickly for you.
That may not be true for your parent who really looks forward to
hearing from you and will worry about you if you fail to call.
Make a list. Suggest that your parent jot down a few notes
between calls to get ready for the next one. You do the same.
That way neither of you will forget something important that
needs to be discussed or a bit of news that will be fun to
When you're going to visit your parent
The telephone can be an invaluable tool for monitoring your
parent's well-being but it works best when coupled with visits
to Mom or Dad. Those visits can go a long way toward meeting the
needs of your parent and helping calm your worries, too. Here
are some suggestions for going home:
Plan ahead. Maybe you want to call Dad's doctor and others
working with him and arrange appointments to meet and discuss
how he's doing. If possible, include your father in any
meetings. Waiting until you are at Dad's house to begin setting
up meetings means trying to make arrangements on short notice
and spending time on the phone that could be better spent with
Be prepared for medical questions. When you do meet the
doctor, have your list of questions and concerns ready, based on
the what Mom has said -- and not said -- during your telephone
conversations, on what you have observed during this visit with
her, and on the most current assessment. How have your parent's
health and living conditions changed since the last time you
were home? What needs have become more prominent? Are there new
Don't panic. You may encounter what seem like drastic
changes, including a great deal of deterioration. Because you
haven't witnessed those changes on a day-by-day or week-by-week
basis, the difference between now and six months ago may seem
more startling to you than to your parent or a sibling who has
been around more frequently. Their failure to mention these
changes to you does not mean they have been hiding them from
you, they simply may not see them. You each have a unique
perspective; all are helpful when trying to make an accurate
Don't charge into town with all the answers. This will often
meet stiff resistance, not just from Dad but from your siblings
who may live closer and also have been playing a role in taking
care of him. Ask how you can help and offer suggestions. Work
with your father and siblings.
Think small. Prioritize the needs. Begin with suggestions
that are least threatening and that allow your parent the
greatest amount of independence. Maybe this is the visit to set
up some sort of housekeeping. Next time may be the right time to
arrange for assistance with finances. But begin that process now
by raising the issue with your parent. You are not going to fix
all the problems in one visit. Give yourself time. Becoming
agitated with yourself, your parent or your siblings only gets
in the way.
Remember that your role as long-distance caregiver is
something new not just to you but to our society. In days gone
by, most members of the extended family lived close to one
another and those who did move far away returned infrequently,
if at all. Automobiles, interstate highways, jets, cell phones
and the Internet made our world smaller and made the role of
long-distance caregiver possible.