This site is designed for family caregivers. It's for those who
are helping a spouse, aging parent, a child or sibling with special needs,
or a friend or family member.
Here you'll find basic caregiver information; suggested
resources; questions, answers and prayers from fellow caregivers; an
explanation of the support available from the Catholic community, and more. The focus here is
on the
spirituality of caregiving, using the teachings of the Catholic faith as
a foundation.
We're aware
that if you're a caregiver, you have
very little time and probably less energy. We know that if your daily
schedule includes responsibilities with a family, work, and loved one
in need, it will take some juggling just to arrange the few minutes it
takes to read an item or two here.
Please keep in mind that this Web site wasn't
designed to add to your feelings of guilt.
We're not offering simple answers to the
complicated challenges you face. These are suggestions, food for
thought, that can be modified to fit your own circumstances.
Here, too, always, is an emphasis on the spiritual side
of what you're facing, of what you're doing.
Know that you are in
our prayers. That you are in the prayers of the online faith community
that is
Again, we want to make it clear this Web site isn't
only for adult children and aging parents.
is for anyone taking care of a loved one. Although we use the
terms "adult children" and "aging parent" and
focus on that particular relationship, the same material can be
adapted and applied if you're taking care of a spouse, a grandparent,
an aunt or uncle, a sibling or any other family member or friend.
Monica and Bill Dodds
PS - The seniors in the photograph are Monica's parents,
Russ and Terry Faudree, celebrating their 60th anniversary in 2004. You can read more about
Bill and Monica here.